The Construction Climb

Tired of being passed over?

I'm here to show you the way up.

I can help you if…

  • You’ve busted your butt in construction for years but it never gets noticed when management positions open up.
  • You’re tired of seeing people with degrees and no experience take the few management positions that are available when you know you could do a better job if they’d just give you a shot.
  • You’re over being tied down to a jobsite and breaking your body every day.
  • You’re wondering if all the hard work was ever worth it.

Here's my story...

I struggled with the same problems for years.  I did everything “they” said to do, but I just couldn’t find a way to…

  • Earn better money, 
  • Have a more flexible work schedule, or 
  • Establish a reasonable work-life balance.

It seemed like no matter what I did, it wasn’t enough.  I knew I had to get out of the 10 hour-a-day jobsite grind… I just didn’t know how.  I needed help.


My climb...

Looking back, I don’t really remember what it was that led me to some YouTube videos with a guy talking about contracting businesses and learning sales skills.  After hearing some more about it, I entered my credit card information and prayed I wasn’t getting scammed.  Over the next few months, the skills that I learned changed my life forever.

It became clear that I had been working on the wrong things.  To go to new places in my career, I needed new skills.  Once I learned how to…

  • Adopt a stronger mindset
  • Communicate like a pro
  • Truly connect with people

… my career exploded.  I wasn’t invisible anymore to the higher ups.  My hard work was finally recognized.  I won a project manager position and used those same skills to crush it.  A few years and multiple raises later, I was offered a position as Operations Manager where I lead a team of other project managers and superintendents.

I’m actually able to save a little money now and, because I’m not tied down to a jobsite, I can be there for events at my kid’s school.  I want the same success for you. 



Let's go...

I’ve mashed together some of the skills I’ve learned from thousands of dollars in training, dozens of leadership books, hundreds of hours of podcasts, 2 degrees in education, and my own real life experience into what I call the Leaders Scaffolding Platform.  

This platform isn’t just a collection of videos to watch and you’re done.  If you’re like me, you learn best by doing, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do.  Through real practice, you’ll grow YOU into the person you need to be to move up.

If you’re ready to start the transformation, I’ve reserved some time on my calendar for you.  Click the link to schedule a 30 minute call where you can learn more about my program and make sure it’s the right fit for you.  To make it worth your time, I promise to give you a free tip, personalized to your situation.  You can’t lose.