The secret to moving up in construction...
... isn't as impossible as you think.
Right now you feel stuck. Like nothing you have done is going to get you where you want to go.
I’ve been there.
Not anymore. Now I enjoy…
A Six Figure Salary
A Super Flexible Schedule
Being Respected as a Leader
Having a positive impact on others
"What got you here won't get you there."
I had to learn that the hard way. Busting my tail day in and day out was only going to get me so far. That’s when I got some training, honed my skills, and leveled up. What I learned had such an impact on my life, I want to share it with others who were stuck like I used to be. That’s why I created The Leaders Scaffolding Platform.
The Leaders Scaffolding Program takes a hands-on approach to developing construction workers into the leaders that companies are starving for.
We aren’t talking about just smearing some paint over it by polishing your resume like other career coaching programs out there. We are talking about really going to work on the things that are holding you back and developing the skills that you need to succeed at the next level.
I'll show you how to...
... become undeniable!
Grow your mindset to think the way leaders do. Regain more control over your situation and develop better ways to think about challenges.
... get people to do what you want them to do (because they want to do it).
Master psychology-backed communication techniques that are must-haves to win at the next level.
... stand out from the crowd.
You won’t be invisible anymore when you learn ways to connect with people up and down the chain of command.
Here's how working with me will take you from construction worker to construction leader...
You can make the shift too.
Climbing to your dream job isn’t as hard as it seems. You just haven’t been shown the path.
Month 1 - Greenhorn: Gather the tools and get rid of the trash
- Become familiar with the tools in The Communication Toolbox
- Get rid of some of the headtrash that is holding you back
Month 2 - Apprentice: Build the foundation
- Now that you know what the tools are, use them to build the foundation.
- Learn how to turn mistakes into opportunities to win
- Get introduced to some basic sales skills
Month 3 - Tradesman: Frame the structure.
- The leader you’re building is starting to take shape
- Master tough conversations like giving/receiving feedback and conflict resolution
Month 4 - Construction Leader: Install the finishes.
- Refine the skills to the point they start to become part of who you are.
- Be comfortable talking to the boss about a promotion
What you'll get...
The Blueprints
Bite-sized video lessons to teach you the tactics of communication and leadership.
Live Webinars
Weekly deep-dive webinars.
The Leaders Scaffolding Platform
Role play leadership scenarios with personalized feedback from me.
Points Tracker
Track your climb by earning points each time you practice.
Plus the Trailblazer Bonus Package...
- Monthly personalized call with me to discuss your progress
- Direct access to me via email support
- The Leaders are Readers Book List
- Mindset Monday Messages
* I only have capacity to offer this to the first 5 climbers
Are you bold enough to risk the climb?
Investing in yourself is one of the highest returns on investment you can make. The skills you will learn are yours forever. No one can take them away from you. I have personally spent THOUSANDS on training and I earn back my money (and then some) EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
I’m also naturally skeptical. That’s why I want you to be sure this is for you. I’ve reserved some time on my calendar to tell you more about the program so you can decide for yourself that this is a good fit for you. I promise to give you one free tip personalized to your current situation on the call. You can’t lose!
Have you given up?

What's being stuck costing you?
- How much money are you missing out on?
- How much time are you giving away by settling for less?
- How will your life be different when you move into management?
- How long have you got before you give in and settle for less… forever?
I only have capacity to take on 5 clients for this introductory offer.
Don’t choose to stay stuck.